Fukuin - Japanese word for "gospel" Proverbs2525.org - Like cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a distant land.

Long-term Missionary Service as a Traditional or Tentmaker Missionary 
Mission to Unreached Peoples

If you think that you might be interested in long-term mission service as part of the Osaka church planting team, as part of the overall MUP Japan Team, or with MUP elsewhere in the world, please contact the MUP office directly.  Of course, you are also welcome to write to us directly if you have questions about service in Japan.

Mission to Unreached Peoples (web site)

     Mission to Unreached Peoples
     PO Box 30947
     Seattle, WA 98103-0947
     1-888-847-6950 (toll free)
     206-781-3151 (phone)         206-781-3182 (fax)
     Send comments or questions to: mupinfo@mup.org

Other Mission Agencies

We have found MUP to be an excellent fit for us; however, we know that for a variety of reasons some people may prefer to consider a different mission agency.  Here are some links to help you learn about a few other mission agencies that you could also consider:

Asian Access
Missionboard.com (Links to many agencies)

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