-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STIGMATA Macintosh & Windows TrueType -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stigmata genesis - Based on the the typeface used on the album "Land of Rape & Honey" by Ministry. I just named the font after the first track on the album. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with religion Ð so all you religious freaks, back off !!!. Stigmata - The lowdown - Uppercase, lowercase a smaller version of the uppercase letters, numerals and some punctuation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This font is completely free, you can use it in any way you see fit. email me if you use it for something useful. 2. Please keep this archive intact along with this readme file. 3. And if you want to put this archive onto a magazine floppy, CD-Rom, go ahead, as long as you follow (1&2). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Reid, September '97. email: whoami@btinternet.com dex.html